Starting your Personal Branding Journey

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When thinking about building your personal brand it may seem like an unnecessary, unrelatable or even a crass pursuit in the beginning.

We sift through a lot of unwanted content during our day, so it’s not difficult to imagine why the possibility of us getting lost in the stream may put us off.

But personal branding doesn't have to be superficial or feel irrelevant, in fact, it can be a rewarding and useful way of creating connections, building your credibility - all while growing your business.

Like most other things, it’s the start that’s the most difficult part.

So, we’ve put together 5 key points to consider before taking the plunge into creating and curating your own personal brand.

Defining a personal brand

Let’s start with unpacking what personal brand is.

We hear a lot today about subject matter experts, and we also hear a lot about the power of engaging with your community. Consider personal branding as your manifestation of the two, featuring you.

As Career Foundry’s Emily Stevens explains: “A personal brand is, quite simply, a presence—either online or offline—that represents you, your values, and what you have to offer.”

Tell your story

There may be a few well-known voices in your field, but nobody knows your business better than you do, so talk about it. Take your audience on the journey with you, and make your world accessible to them.

Don’t be afraid to shine the spotlight on your knowledge and experience - after all you are the expert. But remember to keep it humble and reachable.

Keep it clear

Make sure to keep your messaging clear and know who you’re talking to.

Identify your key audiences and start conversations with them that feel natural and organic, as attracting the wrong audience in the beginning may be harder to rectify further down the line.

You don’t want to get lost in your own content web by trying to appeal to too many audiences. Find out who will or who already cares about what you do and target them, they are your people.

Speaking of content-webs, a common mistake people make is trying to cover too much too soon. Audiences are more likely to remember specific information, so find a niche you’re confident and comfortable in and grow from there.


Once you’re comfortable in your space, keep the content you create both online and offline consistent - and keep the way in which you connect with your audience steady.

And remember, it’s important to continue to carry the values you and your company set out initially as you grow - both online and offline.

Be real

You’ve heard it before but we’ll say it again - you are your biggest asset, especially in personal branding.

Nothing can make you stand out from the crowd more than your authenticity. Your brand will be unique because you are; it’s your selling point to your audience and the way you differentiate yourself from your competition.

The first time you put yourself out there it might feel a little awkward but it's worth pushing through all the weirdness to find your rhythm.

Once you do, you have the potential to position yourself and your company as leaders in your field and engage with members of the community effectively.

You can begin to connect with your audience in ways you never imagined possible when you show vulnerability, honesty, and the value you and your product can offer them. Take the leap to build your personal brand - you and your company will thank you.

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