Advising Scaleups with the Alumni Advisory Programme - Ask Me Anything
Start Time
04 Aug, 11:00 AM
End Time
04 Aug, 12:00 PM
Event Description
Tech Nation and Invigorate have partnered to run an exclusive business advisor training programme for Tech Nation alumni. This event is your opportunity to ask questions about any aspect of the programme.
Specially crafted for the innovative Tech Nation alumni community, this programme has been designed to help you develop and leverage your experience as advisors, secure paid opportunities, and start shaping the next generation of tech leaders.
Apply to start advising Tech Nation’s newest cohort of businesses, learn advisory best practice, network with advisory peers, and develop your advisory portfolio with a Tech Nation endorsement.
For £999 (+VAT) you can take advantage of this professional development opportunity, which includes a half-day workshop, streamlined endorsement process and advisor-business matching.
Lauren Stewart, CEO of Invigorate will be running a Q&A session on 4 August, running through the programme and opportunity and taking questions