Data Protection - Are you Doing Enough?

Data Protection - Are you Doing Enough?

15 people are registered

Start Time

13 Dec, 12:00 PM

End Time

13 Dec, 1:00 PM

Event Description

Please join us for our online Data Protection panel discussion session.

As your business grows, data protection is something you have to start taking more seriously. Now you have more clients and more data, the chances of something going wrong have gone up, and you need to take steps before they do.

If you're selling B2C, your own customers will expect you to take their privacy seriously. If B2B is your model, then enterprise clients will require you to have good practices. If you're seeking investment, VCs will want to know that your approach is solid. Whatever your business model, your brand reputation is at stake - not to mention the regulatory risks.

GDPR places requirements on all businesses that are handling personal data - but a lot of these requirements are about taking reasonable steps. So how much is 'reasonable' for a small or medium business to do? How do you know if you're doing enough?

Please join us for an online panel discussion, with subject matter experts and scale-up leaders who have been there and done that. Expect some fresh perspective and actionable tips!

Topic: Data Protection - are you doing enough?
Format: Online
Date: Tuesday 13th December 2022
Time: 12:00 - 13:00

1200 Intro
1205 Panel debate (40mins)
1345 Q&A (15mins)
1300 Close


Tom Gell

Tom Gell

Head of Delivery, Trust Keith

Eliot Brooks

Eliot Brooks

Co-founder and former COO, Thriva

Guadalupe Sampedro

Guadalupe Sampedro

Partner, Data/Security/Cyber, Cooley LLP