Methods, Markets & Messaging

Methods, Markets & Messaging

10 people are registered

Start Time

01 Nov, 12:00 PM

End Time

01 Nov, 1:00 PM

Event Description

The world is changing fast. Every industry and business category is welcoming new competitors daily, either as new entrants or an existing company with new technology. The decreasing attention span of consumers is driving up the cost of customer acquisition. This rapid change begs the question of how can we as founders, executives and marketers, flip this craze on its head and cut through the noise in the marketplace. This session provides insights into tweaks we can make in our business activities, leveraging our methods, improving our messaging and discovering/unlocking new markets.

This session is lead by Daniel Folley, founder & CEO of, an eCommerce platform for SMEs, coaches and consultants in Africa. With 100k users and 12,000 merchants. are part of Tech Nation’s Libra 2.0 growth programme.

He is a digital marketing and PPC Expert with more than a decade's experience leading Digital Medium Africa, a digital advertising agency that has generated over $100m in combined client portfolio revenue.

He has trained and empowered over 100,000 African Entrepreneurs through his work as a founder, Trainer and coach at Daniel Folley Academy, creating over 20 online courses and distributing them in over 70 countries using Facebook ads.

Find out more about Daniel at and at